May 5, 2019



Difficult times are not something we enjoy going through, in fact, we usually try to avoid even talking about them. When difficulty or trouble does come, the first thing we often ask is, “why is this happening?” And then we might ask more probing questions of ourselves such as: Who are we? Why do we do the things that we do? Why does trouble seem to come to us? or Why does one part of us so desperately desire to change, while another part of our make-up sometimes trumps this desire?

If we are not cautious, we can easily be drawn into a full-blown mental, emotional and spiritual breakdown. There’s rarely a time when any of us wouldn’t like a break from trouble, no matter how extensive. We live at breakneck speed that stops only temporarily during the few moments our phones or laptops are off. With our pace, it’s become a necessity to take some time off lest we become more troubled.

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