May 12, 2019

Breakfast with Jesus

Passage: John 21:1-25

Our gospel reading for today is John, chapter 21, verse 1 through 25; actually, the whole chapter. It begins, “After these things…” referring to the events on the first day of the week, when Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, after she found the empty tomb. That evening when Jesus appeared to the disciples, without Thomas, and a week later when Jesus appeared to the disciples with Thomas. In John, this will be the fourth post resurrection appearance of Jesus: once to Mary, and three times to the disciples. The scene has moved from Jerusalem, to Galilee, on the bank of the Sea of Galilee, here called the Sea of Tiberias. I would like you to pay attention to two characters in the story: Peter, or Simon son of John, and “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Listen now to the account when Jesus appeared to some of the disciples.

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