March 8, 2020

Night Meeting

Passage: John 3:1-17

This morning, and for the rest of the Sundays in Lent, we switch from reading the Gospel of Matthew, to the Gospel of John. Not to worry, we will get back to Matthew in time for the Triumphal Entry of Jesus, on Palm Sunday.

This morning, in John, chapter 4, verses 1 through 17, we hear the story of a man named, Nicodemus. We are told that Nicodemus is a Pharisee, a leader of the Jews, and a teacher of Israel. Nicodemus is an important person in his community. You might say that he has a lot to lose, and in reality, takes more than a small risk in coming to Jesus, so the narrator tells us that he comes to Jesus “by night.” Listen now to our reading form John, chapter 4.

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