At the Water Hole
For our reading this morning, we continue in the gospel of John. This reading, like the story of Nicodemus last week, is found only the John’s gospel. Jesus has been in Jerusalem, but now leaves for Galilee. The verse before our reading says: “but he had to go through Samaria.” The need to go through Samaria, an area that most Jews would avoid, is twofold. First, it is the shortest route. It would be possible to go around, but that would take significantly longer. Second, in the original text, ‘had to’ is a divine imperative. Meaning that it was necessary for Jesus to pass through Samaria. It was God’s will that Jesus pass through Samaria.
At the end of our reading last week we heard: “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” In John’s gospel, this is the first time Jesus ventures out of Judaea, the beginning of his mission outside of Israel. It was necessary for Jesus to go through Samaria if he was to save the world.
Hear now our reading from John, chapter4, verses 5 through 42. It is a long reading, so hang in there.