October 27, 2019

Worry, Pain and Pearls


As we drive along several roads of northeastern Iowa, some in south Wisconsin, or in the Appalachian Mountains of Eastern U. S. we may see signs along the road that say “Beware of falling rocks”. These signs may be even more prevalent in other mountainous areas of the country. I have seen them many times and have wondered why these signs didn’t say “Beware of fallen rocks” for I do not know what a person driving could do about rocks that were in the act of falling as one is driving along the road. This is a hazard of driving along these roads that no precautions can avoid. Your rate of speed has nothing to do with it nor the way you handle your vehicle nor the condition of your tires. It makes no difference whether you are a good or bad driver, the hazard is there and you can do very little about it.

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