Who Among You?
Our gospel reading this morning is Luke, chapter 17, verses 5 through 10. Leading up to our reading, Jesus has been teaching to his disciples. First, he cautions them against causing one of the “little ones” to stumble, and the severe consequences of being the cause of their stumbling: “It would be better for you if a millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea.” Then Jesus tells them to rebuke brothers and sisters who sin, and to forgive those who ask for forgiveness, every time they ask; even if they sin and ask for forgiveness seven times a day; “you must forgive.” All of this is a lot to ask of us disciples, don’t you think? The high cost of causing someone to stumble, forgiving every time someone asks. How could this be possible, for the disciples of Jesus? Is this possible for us? Listen to the next part of Luke chapter 17.