December 15, 2019

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Passage: Matthew 11:2-11

This is the third Sunday of Advent, and all I have been talking about for the past two weeks, is how this is the time each year when we prepare and anticipate the coming of Jesus Christ; either as a child or as the glory of God coming in the clouds.

Last week, we heard from John the Baptist, crying in the wilderness. The sure and certain voice of God’s prophet proclaiming God’s truth to the world, that one was coming; that the Lord was coming, and we must prepare and make straight his path.

This week, we jump ahead in Matthew’s gospel story, to chapter 11. John is again part of the story, but we hear also from Jesus, the Messiah, whom John proclaimed. The One who would come after him. The One with winnowing fork in hand, who would come to separate the chaff from the grain. The One who would bring the judgement of God.

Now, John is in prison, and Jesus has begun his ministry. Listen now to our gospel reading from Matthew, chapter 11, verses 2 through 11

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