Kingdom Rules
For the last two Sundays, our gospel reading has come from chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew, and this week, we continue in that same chapter. If you were paying close attention last week, you may notice that, this week, I am messing around a bit with the lectionary readings. I will be re-reading the last part of our reading from last week, and the first part of the reading prescribed for this week. Occasionally, the stopping and starting verses seem a bit arbitrary, and moving them around makes more sense, at least to me.
This week, I will be reading verses 17 through 26 of Matthew chapter 5. It is important to remember that Jesus is teaching his disciples, and therefore, he is teaching us, the church. It is also important to remember that Jesus is teaching about the kingdom of heaven, or the kingdom of God. Listen now, to Jesus’ teaching about the Law, and the kingdom of God