At the Water Hole

March 15, 2020
For our reading this morning, we continue in the gospel of John. This reading, like the story of Nicodemus last week, is found only the John’s gospel. Jesus has been…

Night Meeting

March 8, 2020
This morning, and for the rest of the Sundays in Lent, we switch from reading the Gospel of Matthew, to the Gospel of John. Not to worry, we will get…

Kingdom Rules

February 16, 2020
For the last two Sundays, our gospel reading has come from chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew, and this week, we continue in that same chapter. If you were…

Being Salty

February 9, 2020
Last week we heard the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, from Matthew. We heard Jesus proclaim blessings on the poor, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger…

Blessed Kingdom

February 2, 2020
At the end of our reading last week, we heard: “Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom,” and this week, we…

And So It Begins…

January 26, 2020
Our gospel reading this morning is Matthew, chapter 4, verses 12 through 23. Returning to Matthew’s gospel, we hear the story of Jesus calling his first disciples; the first followers…


January 19, 2020
Our gospel reading this morning is John, chapter 1, verses 29 through 42. If you remember, two weeks ago we heard the prologue to John, and learned that it was…

Down By the Riverside

January 12, 2020
Our gospel reading this morning is Matthew, chapter 3, verses 13 through 17. This is Baptism of the Lord Sunday, and appropriately, we hear the story of Jesus’ baptism from…

Baby Steps

December 22, 2019
The Gospel of Matthew begins with a bold statement about Jesus: “An account of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” From the…